Determinants of Body Image Perceptions among College Students in Kenya

Author Details

Waswa Judith

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Published: 1 August 2018 | Article Type :


Body-image may be defined as a multidimensional concept that represents how individuals think, feel, and behave with regard to their own physical attributes. Individuals are described as having either a negative or positive body image. Those with negative body image are often dissatisfied with their bodies. Body image dissatisfaction might affect an individual’s eating behaviors and may have negative effects on academic performance, especially, the cognitive and problem solving abilities. Many college studies find themselves in conflicting body image issues due to the changes that take place at that time. If the issue of body image dissatisfaction among college students is not given attention, then it may affect their esteem hence academic performance. The purpose of this study was to determine body image status of college students in middle level college and establish the factors that determine the body image perception. A cross-sectional study was done at Shamberere Technical Institute in Kakamega County Kenya. A samble of 156 respondents, 60 were male and 96 female was drawn from the student population. The sample was drawn proportionately from the different department.A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. A Maynard questionnaire was used to determine those with negative and positive body image. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 18 for analysis. Chi-square tests were done to determine the difference between those with negative and positive body image on the measured factors. Statistical significance was set at p< 0.05. Seventy two(72%) of the respondents had positive body image. Both male and female respondents had body image issues with no significant difference (p>0.05). A significant majority of respondents who were day scholars 32(73%) had negative body image (p <0.05). Influence from Friends was found to be significantly associated with body image perceptions(p<0.05).The study concluded that body image issues affect both male and female and friends may play a major role in determining an individual’s perceptions about body image.

Keywords: Body image perceptions, Negative body image, positive body image, friends.

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How to Cite


Waswa Judith. (2018-08-01). "Determinants of Body Image Perceptions among College Students in Kenya." *Volume 2*, 3, 25-28